Congratulations to the following June 2022 Employee of the Quarter winners:
Michaela Perkins – 4 nominations
As far as I can tell, Michaela seems to excel at all tasks, but she has gone beyond even her high standard with the RFID tagging at Hamilton. I’m amazed how quickly they’ve tagged so many items. Thanks, Michaela!
Out of the 30,000 items LPL has tagged, I genuinely think she has tagged 1/3 of them. Idk how she does it so quickly and efficiently. Her work ethic with tagging helps motivate others as well. I will make her a throne out of the empty rolls.
Michaela is the tagging rock star at LPL! She must have tagged at least half of Level 5 by herself. It was a superhuman effort!
Michaela has been voluntarily working on a few side projects that will greatly assist the CMR/SML Team with conducting research and help organize some of the digital history collections
Kevin Sequeira, OXB – 3 nominations
Kevin has become the face of the Reference Desk at OXB. It is not uncommon when I’m on desk to take calls from patrons asking for Kevin. He is PATIENT when patrons are struggling with computer issues and committed to finding a solution.
Kevin goes above and beyond to meet the needs of many of our “regulars’ that frequent the Reference Department. He fields many interesting questions and kindly and professionally researches the answers. No request, no matter how unusual it may be, is ignored. In addition to being attentive to patrons, he has recently taken on the role of Oxford’s Wellness Committee representative. He has created a “Zen Room” for us during Mental Health Awareness Month, so the employees have a calm and soothing place to relax. He has even provided various refreshment options and was our personal barista, brewing up espressos for us. Overall, he is an asset to our patrons and fellow employees.
Kevin has graciously taken over the Wellness Activities for our branch. He is doing a wonderful job and making our workspace a happier and more peaceful place. Kevin, also, lends a hand on tasks needing to be done, especially the new security tags being put into our printed materials. In addition, Kevin helps patrons with instruction and problem solving methods to find a solution to their needs.
Pam Giuliano
Pam is a wonderful coworker. She is great with the patrons and goes above and beyond for them. I have seen her out in the stacks hunting down an elusive book for someone. She is a hard worker and always supporting her coworkers in any way she can. We can always count on her to help with an onslaught of returned children’s books, a busy front desk, or covering for something as simple as a bathroom break. She is always in our corner!
LAC/BKM/Tech Center:
Suja Pandey, Tech Center
Suja is a wonderful asset to the Tech Center. She is unfailingly polite and cheerful with every patron, having taken the time to learn almost every patron’s name. She never shies away from a programming challenge, having assisted with or taken on some of our most difficult recent and upcoming programs. She is a hard worker and an eager one, always jumping at the chance to do or learn more. Thank you, Suja!
Congratulations to this quarter’s winners! Each winner will receive their choice of 4 hours of vacation or a $50 gift card.
Congratulations to the following nominees:
Amy Carmichael
Amy’s easy charm and professionalism lights up the workplace. She methodically takes care of issues with calm efficiency and makes everyone laugh.
Mitch Meikle
Mitch may be very new to Lane Hamilton, but he has come in with a wonderful attitude, has caught on wonderfully to our policies and procedures, and is well liked by both staff and patrons. Mitch goes out of his way for our patrons and is the first to jump up when someone needs help. He has already become a great addition to our Lane family and we are lucky to have him!
Shyann Thomas – 2 nominations
Shyann is the most positive person I know! She is so friendly and helpful with patrons, but equally friendly and helpful with her co-workers. She always has a kind word for everyone and her presence at work always makes my days better.
Shyann has been doing a great job with property history research and continues to seek out additional training to further develop her researching skills
Jennifer Albinus
Jennifer has helped make a big dent in our tagging adventure. She has come to all our tagging parties and helps tag when things are slow at the desk.
Wendy Pittman
Wendy has picked up a lot more responsibilities this past quarter. She has been a big help with tagging, taken on some of the Sustainable Shelves processes, and has helped with going through our old MCNs. I really appreciate all her help this past quarter.
Kristen Howard
Kristen Howard has learned some of the process for Sustainable Shelves which has been a big help!
Alex Scales – won March 2022
Alex does an awesome job with the CMR, helping patrons and conducting research.
Jackie Bererich – won December 2021
Jackie created another amazing bulletin board in our Children’s Dept. to promote the summer reading program. Her displays are creative, beautiful and eye catching.
Alice Ahrens, OXB
Alice is an outstanding Grade 3 – floating between desks with great ease. In any given day you might find Alice staffing the Smith Library, Circulation and then Ref. Alice is always pleasant and helpful. Thank you Alice for all that you do at OXB.
Keely Moloney, OXB – 2 nominations
Keely is stepping up and tagging the collection in a thorough and efficient manner. She’s also doing a great job of keeping everyone in the loop of process. Keely is always friendly and helpful to both her co-workers and patrons. Keep up the good work and tag on!
Keely has been working tirelessly on the new security being applied to our printed materials. She helps out in circulation her whole shift with her circulation duties, yet manages to tag cart after cart of books as well. Keely is a hard worker and great coworker.
Akiko Urayama, OXB
Akiko should definitely be commended for her hard work. She has done a fantastic job of taking over teen services at OXB, and has also been presenting most of the children’s programming while Caitlin is on Maternity Leave. We are lucky to have her at Lane!
Emily Hicks, Smith
Emily has a natural ability and enthusiasm for conducting genealogy research and has used that skill to be a great help to many patrons
Emma Darby
Emma is an incredible reference member here at FFB! She helped get the seed library up and running, she helps with Snacktivities, and she provides wonderful customer service to all of our patrons! She always has an upbeat attitude when she’s working and helps make FFB a wonderful space for both the patrons and the staff!
Odalis Jimenez – won September 2021
She has done so much work with Bookjoy and the Hispanic Heritage Festival and keeps on going even through all difficulties. She’s the best partner in programming I could ever ask for and I’m excited to continue working with her on the Hispanic Heritage Festival.
Melissa Thompson
Missy’s knowledge and dedication for her job creates a smooth workflow with other departments. I know I can always go to her with circulation questions. And she makes weeding children’s items a breeze by taking the time to note circulation and damage information notes for damaged materials. She is always willing to go the extra mile.
Jen Bonnlander
Jen takes so much pride in her work and is a positive influence to all her coworkers. Her attention to detail keeps our children’s shelves in great shape. I can always tell when she has worked and her work ethic makes me feel proud to work here, too.
Hannah Kuhn
Hannah has shown great initiative and passion for her work here, but has lately had the opportunity with the Fairfield Fresh committee to really let her hard work shine forward. Hannah is one of the many Circulation Superstars that have made our process of RFID tagging our collection go smoothly.
LAC/BKM/Tech Center:
Margaret Winstead, LAC
Margaret is our Lone Cataloger. In addition to the work she does caretaking the catalog and all that entails, she does a multitude of behind the scenes tasks few appreciate fully. I do! She has a keen eye for detail and thinks through problems systematically. She’s like a mathematician and an artist! Margaret could win this every quarter and it wouldn’t be often enough, but I wanted to recognize both her historical and continuing excellence this time. Thank you Margaret.
Holly Claxton, BKM
Holly has been hosting a popular monthly book club and has had to deal with venue changes due to Covid and coffee shops closing early. She has rolled with the punches and kept the book club going. She also has many tasks in the Bookmobile Dept that she handles with ease. Thanks, Holly!
Lucy Hayes, LAC
I was trying to “pinch hit” for Lucy and I couldn’t figure out a good way to do half of what she does. She has taken on a lot of responsibility here at Lac and is handling it all great! Thanks Lucy!