Lisa Hires (Technical Services) is retiring after 42 years of service to the Lane Libraries. Her last day on the job will be Wednesday, September 30.
Lisa started in Circulation on September 6, 1978 and moved to Technical Services a year later. She has seen the library change considerably in her career, right? We still used this and these.
Lane is losing history with Lisa. She’s a funny storyteller and also someone who remembers trying something we’ve all forgotten didn’t work, or simply why we did something a certain way. That’s been invaluable. I have appreciated Lisa’s tenacity when confronted with a problem. She’s been a terrific troubleshooter through the years and a keen thinker when presented with a confusing situation. She has been consistent. “Lisa, here’s a problem…” BAM…in short time Lisa has a fix. She’s always been mindful of the quality of service we provide patrons. I’ve been through three computer system migrations with her and can’t imagine that process without her participation. I’ve relied on her so much and will miss her professionally and, even more so, personally.
Like all of us, I am happy for Lisa and thank her for her service to Lane. We, and our patrons, have been the better for it for over four decades.
COVID prevents us from the celebration we’d like to have next week, but I am sure Lisa would appreciate your well wishes. The comments section below is open, or you can email her, or, like 1978, send her a card!
It will be a sad day for Lane to lose such talent and experience, and for the staff, to lose a friend.
However, here is wishing you a fun and happy future in your retirement and hopefully, you will stop back to visit us in the future.
Happy retirement, Lisa! Thanks for everything you’ve been doing.
Congratulations on your retirement, I hope you have fun things planned! Thank you for everything you have given to Lane. We are going to miss you more than you can imagine.
– Alice
p.s. When we run into problems, should we call you at home or on your cell? Asking for a friend 😉
Lisa, I’m really going to miss you and our monthly Meg calls won’t be the same without you. Your dedication to problem solving will be greatly missed by all of us at the Lane. Thanks for all that you’ve done and I hope you have fun in your retirement. You’ve earned it! Keep in touch!
I remember when I first started out at Hamilton, and used to help in Tech Services on Fridays. What a fun bunch….Nancy W., Sarah, Melanie, and you. Those were the days!
You have made Lane a better place, and we will miss you.
Lisa, Congratulations on your retirement, I wish you a very happy and fun filled retirement. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work with you though most of it was via phone calls. You are a great friend, dedicated problem solver that I came to know through our phone conversations when I called for missing discs, DVDs etc. You will be missed dearly.
Happy Retirement, Enjoy!
Congratulations on your retirement, Lisa! You were always a fantastic help any time I needed it and it is very much appreciated. I always knew you would either have the answer for me or know how to find it. You are always a joy to talk with and we will miss you so much! Thank you for everything you have done for Lane. Enjoy your retirement and all the extra time with your pups!!