OverDrive is planning to launch their new magazine offerings next week. This is different than the way magazines used to work, when they were a part of the Nook platform. Magazines may take a few extra days to show up on our state service, The Ohio Digital Library.
How it will work, courtesy of our State Library rep:
Magazine checkouts will not count against the checkout limit. Additionally, magazines are available as simultaneous use which means all patrons will be able to check out as many magazines as they would like. Unlike before, patrons will not need to create another account with Barnes & Noble or download the Nook app to read magazines. They will be able to read them in the Libby app or stream them in the browser via OverDrive Read. Because Kindle users can’t install the Libby app via the Kindle Store, they will need to stream the magazines. The checkout process is exactly the same as checking out an eBook or audiobook.