Chip Kruthoffer

New Wall in the LPL Teen Zone

The Teen Zone at the Hamilton Lane Library has quickly become a popular hangout spot for teens. With the growing number of teens using the space, library staff realized the need for a wall to provide a self-contained area specifically for teens. This was a major feat, but Trent Hart took on the challenge and successfully figured out how to move the wall from the Quiet Study Room to create a new wall for the Teen Zone. In the past week, Trent was able to move most of the wall, and it should be finished in the next few weeks.

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Chrome/Adobe/Ohio Means Jobs fix

We’ve heard from several of you about this issue so I thought I would post the fix. Within Chrome when you try to open a .PDF, sometimes it will bark at you needing Adobe Reader. When we hear about it, the site is often Ohio Means Jobs but it probably happens on other sites, too. You can manually adjust Chrome settings to download the .PDF rather than open with Chrome. The .PDF will open directly in Adobe Reader (which is installed on all public computers).

Unfortunately, we can’t change this administratively because doing so creates another problem.


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FYI: Some older Kindles won’t connect online after December 2021

Trying to figure out if your Kindle will lose internet access? We’re guessing you heard about Amazon’s upcoming changes that will stop some older Kindles from accessing the internet entirely, once the change happens in the U.S. this December.

Fortunately not all Kindles will be affected in the same way. It all depends on which model you have, as Amazon’s move to walk away from older 2G and 3G networks (moving to 4G and 5G) is a bigger deal for Kindles that don’t have Wi-Fi access. The slightly newer Kindles will still have Wi-Fi, but lose cellular connections That said, the convenience of downloading a book on the go via cellular is a huge thing to lose.

FYI: Some older Kindles won’t connect online after December 2021 Read More »

Lisa Hires (Technical Services) retiring after 42 years of service

Lisa Hires (Technical Services) is retiring after 42 years of service to the Lane Libraries. Her last day on the job will be Wednesday, September 30.

Lisa started in Circulation on September 6, 1978 and moved to Technical Services a year later. She has seen the library change considerably in her career, right? We still used this and these.

Lane is losing history with Lisa. She’s a funny storyteller and also someone who remembers trying something we’ve all forgotten didn’t work, or simply why we did something a certain way. That’s been invaluable. I have appreciated Lisa’s tenacity when confronted with a problem. She’s been a terrific troubleshooter through the years and a keen thinker when presented with a confusing situation. She has been consistent. “Lisa, here’s a problem…” BAM…in short time Lisa has a fix. She’s always been mindful of the quality of service we provide patrons. I’ve been through three computer system migrations with her and can’t imagine that process without her participation. I’ve relied on her so much and will miss her professionally and, even more so, personally.

Like all of us, I am happy for Lisa and thank her for her service to Lane. We, and our patrons, have been the better for it for over four decades.

COVID prevents us from the celebration we’d like to have next week, but I am sure Lisa would appreciate your well wishes. The comments section below is open, or you can email her, or, like 1978, send her a card!

Lisa Hires (Technical Services) retiring after 42 years of service Read More »